Contact Us
Please use the form below to contact us. We will respond within 24 hours and usually sooner. We will reply to the email you provide but if you prefer to have a callback please include your mobile number.
Fields marked * are required.
Contact Information
1800 828 888 | ||||||||| | |||||||||
83A New Street Killarney County Kerry V93 W3KT |
Emails are checked regularly even when we are closed. All messages / emails are replied to within 24 hours of receipt and usually sooner. If you need urgent attention please call us. In case of a crisis please use the information below.
Emergency Information
If you are in a crisis or you are concerned about a friend or family member you can FreeText HELP to 50015 24/7 for immediate mental health and suicide prevention information and support. (Texts to 50015 are FREE OF CHARGE and you can text this service even if you have no credit)
For more information on local and national mental health resources, crisis assistance and helplines please visit