Search For Fundraisers and Users
How to search for a Fundraiser
This page shows the personal fundraiser of our Skydive For Life participants. The fundraisers are listed from latest to oldest. If you want to search through the list for a particular fundraiser you can use the "Search by A-Z" which will bring up a list of fundraisers sorted by first name. You can also use the first name, last name and fundraiser username search boxes to find a specific fundraiser quickly. If there are a large number of records you can chose how many to view per page.
Search By A-Z
Please click a letter from the A-Z below which will bring up a list of fundraisers sorted by first names beginning with that letter.
Search By First Name, last Name or Username
Please start typing the first name, last name or username of the fundraiser you would like to find. Search results will show in the Search Results table below as you type.
Search Results
Your results are displayed below. Columns are displayed by registration date from newest to oldest. You can click the column header to sort a column alphabetically instead. By default records are displayed in groups of 10 but you can change the number of records viewed by using the "Records per Page" option below the results.