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Aoibhin Ryan's Skydive For Life

Welcome to
Aoibhin Ryan's Campaign

Event Identifier SDXA8OULVDE8

I am taking part in the Skydive For Life 2024

Campign img

   A message from Aoibhin

Hi lovelies!

I'm going to be raising money for Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland over the next few months prior to the day I jump (let's be honest - am pushed) out of an aeroplane.

Suicide and Mental Health problems affect nearly everyone in some way and the work YSPI does to raise awareness and provide support to young people in Ireland is so important! Doing my bit to help in some way.

You can sponsor me using the button below with whatever you can spare.

Many thanks & love always


  My Target

  My Campaign

My Goal    €550.00
My Donations    €198
My Balance    +€352.00
My Donors    9 Donors

  My QR Code

Please download and share my QR Code which links to this campaign page

Messages from my Sponsors SDXA8OULVDE8>

      Supported by Matthew on Friday 20th December 2019
      "Partner in crime."

      Supported by Nik on Tuesday 24th December 2019
      "Don’t die xoxo"

      Supported by Jomi on Friday 3rd January 2020

      Supported by Kate on Sunday 8th March 2020
      "Ima touch the sky x"

      Supported by on Sunday 27th September 2020
      "Text2Donate funds received on account"

      Supported by on Tuesday 8th December 2020
      "Text2Donate funds received on account"