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Aisling Boland's Skydive For Life

Welcome to
Aisling Boland's Campaign

Event Identifier SN3357B11LUQ

I am taking part in the Skydive For Life 2024

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   A message from Aisling

Hey guys, 

As many of ye know I write a blog about mental health. I am a massive advocate for mental health. I work with The Shona Project to help girls from the ages of 12-18 survive in todays world.

Suicide is a perminant solution to a temporary problem and unfortunately people see it as a way out, a lot of the time it's because they are unsure what other options they have. 

I would really appreciate it if  you could sponsor me to jump out of a plane like a mad woman and raise money for Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland. 

Thanks again for taking the time to read this, it is greatly appreciated and it's all going to a great cause!

Thank you,

Aisling Boland


  My Target

  My Campaign

My Goal    €550.00
My Donations    €0
My Balance    +€550.00
My Donors    0 Donors

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