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Rachel Power's Skydive For Life

Welcome to
Rachel Power's Campaign

Event Identifier NE1N87PQKZ2H

I am taking part in the Skydive For Life 2024

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   A message from Rachel

Hey guys we all no dungarvan has been hit by many tragic events over the years and we have all had a heart break at some stage so as terrified of hights as I am I'm gonna do it to help raise funds to hopefully help someone else before they get to that stage in there life ...  Hopefully going to do it in October in clonmel  if we can raise the funds...so any thing anyone can spare wud be great....   




Thank you for visiting my Campaign Page. I am fundraising on behalf of Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland and I would be very grateful for your support in helping me meet my personal target.

You can sponsor me by credit card or by bank deposit using the buttons below. You can also text a €4 donation to my campaign and details are shown below as well.

Thank you so much for your support
Best Wishes


  My Target

  My Campaign

My Goal    €600.00
My Donations    €0
My Balance    +€600.00
My Donors    0 Donors

  My QR Code

Please download and share my QR Code which links to this campaign page

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