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Shaun Carmichael's Skydive For Life

Welcome to
Shaun Carmichael's Campaign

Event Identifier 1PMCSB3ZHZKM

I am taking part in the Skydive For Life 2024

Campign img

   A message from Shaun

Thank you for visiting my Campaign Page. I am fundraising on behalf of Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland and I would be very grateful for your support in helping me meet my personal target.

You can sponsor me by credit card or by bank deposit using the buttons below. You can also text a €4 donation to my campaign and details are shown below as well.

Thank you so much for your support
Best Wishes


  My Target

  My Campaign

My Goal    €1,000.00
My Donations    €359
My Balance    +€641.00
My Donors    10 Donors

  My QR Code

Please download and share my QR Code which links to this campaign page

Sponsor Me by Text

It's quick and simple to TEXT YSPI SFL9278 to 50300 to make an immediate €4.00 text donation to my Campaign. (Text costs €4. Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland will receive a minimum of €3.60. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 076 6805278.) The full value of your text donation will come directly to YSPI and be added to my campaign total. Text donations are anonymous so your receipt will be issued by the mobile operator on behalf of YSPI

[OPTIONAL] It really helps me to know who sent text donations so, if you can, please add your initials or first name at the end of the donation text. For example YSPI SFL9278 ASHLING.

Text2Donate information comes to us from the mobile operators and usually takes 24-48 hours to be added to this account. For example text donations made on Monday should show on this account by Wednesday evening.

Messages from my Sponsors 1PMCSB3ZHZKM>

      Supported by Moyles on Monday 8th August 2022
      "Best of luck, u have balls ?"

      Supported by Mary on Tuesday 9th August 2022

      Supported by on Tuesday 9th August 2022
      "Text2Donate funds received on account"

      Supported by Regina on Tuesday 9th August 2022
      "I'm proud of you."

      Supported by Michael John on Monday 29th August 2022
      "Fair play to you for doing this Sean. Amazing thing to do for a great cause"

      Supported by Mary on Thursday 22nd September 2022
      "Fair play to ya Sean what a great thing to do ! "

      Supported by Charlie on Thursday 22nd September 2022
      "Fair ****s my man ?"